Advanced Digital Skills on Blockchain for Trusted Food Supply Chains
Programme: Digital Europe
Project: TRUST-FOOD – Advanced Digital Skills on Blockchain for Trusted Food Supply Chains
Timeline: January 2023 – December 2025
Project budget: 2.657.625,85 €
Website: https://trustfoodproject.eu/

The aim of TRUST-FOOD, deployed by ITCs associated SME Green Point, is to support the development of advanced digital skills of food supply actors, SME personnel, job seekers and other personnel by providing access to high-quality specialised training courses, reflecting the latest developments in the area of Blockchain technologies (BCT) applied holistically to the Food Supply Chains. The main focus will be given to designing and delivering short-term training courses for business leaders/managers and employed people/job seekers.
ITC will support Green Point researchers and staff to design, deploy, pilot and verify training courses on blockchain-based traceability in short food supply chains, with a special focus on the deployment of traceability applications in the real and complex multi-actor environment such as Green Point short food supply chains.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Digital Europe Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101100804.