Democratizing digital farming through smart solutions for small farms
Programme: Horizon Europe
Topic: HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-02-04-two-stage
Project: Farmtopia – Democratizing digital farming through smart solutions for small farms
Timeline: September 2023 – August 2026
Project budget: 5 695 463.75, EUR
Website: https://farmtopia.eu/

Farmtopia objective is to democratize digital farming by creating a paradigm shift in the way Agricultural Digital technologies (ADSs) for small farms are created, deployed and paid for, by a) fostering co-creation of ADSs to ensure they will solve real problems and fit the needs of small farms; and b) lowering the cost for both farmers and ADSs providers, by creating a set of reusable software modules, a number of business and governance models, and identifying public provision of infrastructure that can enable scale-out of ADSs. The project is built around 18 Sustainable Innovation Pilots (SIPs) in 15+ countries across Europe, with 9 being pre-selected and 9 more through a financing support mechanism.
ITC is responsible for managing and implementation of the Sustainable Innovation Pilot in Slovenia, targeting optimisation of arable/cereals & oilseed crops production, reducing fertilisation costs and increasing food value chain resilience. Slovenian pilot will also comprise spill-over effect with Ukrainian farmers.
Co-funded by the European Union under grant agreement No. 101083541.