DemonstratIng Value of agri data sharIng for boostiNg data Economy in agriculture
Programme: Horizon Europe
Topic: HORIZON-CL6-2021-GOVERNANCE-01-20 – Data economy in the field of agriculture – effects of data sharing and big data
Project: DIVINE – DemonstratIng Value of agri data sharIng for boostiNg data Economy in agriculture
Timeline: October 2022 – September 2025
Project budget: 3.954.797,50 EUR
Website: http://divine-project.eu/

DIVINE encompasses technical (agriculture and ICT), markets, and social sciences expertise in order to foster data economy in the agriculture domain. It builds an agri-data ecosystem that incorporates existing common agri data spaces while deploying industry-led pilots built on data sharing arrangements, to demonstrate the cost-benefit and added value in sharing agri data. DIVINE will assess its ecosystem at the level of policy impacts, the uptake of digital technologies, and economic and environmental performance.
ITC is responsible for deploying a pilot, together with the public advisory service, called ‘’DIH AGRIFOOD Data Space for sustainable food production’’, aimed at collecting and sharing data related to milk and pork production.
This project has received funding from the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101060884.