Leveraging data and AI to empower citizens to make healthier and more sustainable food choices
Project: WiseFood – Leveraging data and AI to empower citizens to make healthier and more sustainable food choices
Timeline: January 2025 – December 2027
Project budget: 2.848.728,69 EUR
Website: https://wisefood-project.eu/

WiseFood aims at developing smart digital (AI driven) applications that will empower citizens to make healthier and more sustainable food choices. These will allow building novel tools that democratize access to reliable food-related information and go beyond the current levels of personalization and contextualization offered by existing food recommenders. Living Labs implementing a multi-actor approach are the centre of co-creation process, which will be implemented in Ireland, Hungary, and Slovenia.
ITC is responsible for implementation of the project outcomes in the Slovenian Green Point Living Lab.
This project has received funding from the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 101181895.