Healthy Crop, Healthy Environment, Healthy Farmers Finances through Optimized SpotOn Spraying Robotics
Programme: H2020 Cascade funding projects
Topic: agROBOfood project funded under DT-ICT-02-2018 – Robotics – Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH)
Project: H3O-SpotOn – Healthy Environment, Healthy Farmers’ Finances through Optimized SpotOn Spraying Robotics
Timeline: December 2020 – May 2022
Project budget: EUR

H3O-SpotOn demonstrates how robotics paired with satellite navigation and artificial intelligence (IA) enabled machine vision can reduce the amount of pesticides used in orchards, and vineyards by over 50% in line with the EU’s Green Deal1, the Farm to Fork strategy, and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. This leading-edge technology is being implemented, tested, verified and demonstrated in the Living lab environment in Slovenia (vineyards) managed by ITC and DIH AGRIFOOD, Poland (apple orchards) and Tunisia (citrus and olive orchards).
agROBOfood project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 825395.