Cypriot and Slovenian IoT pilots for on-farm production practices and integration of Post-farm and consumer-oriented processes
Programme: H2020 Cascade funding projects
Topic: IOF2020 project funded under IoT-01-2016 – Large Scale Pilots
Project: CYSLOP – Cypriot and Slovenian IoT pilots for on-farm production practices and integration of Post-farm and consumer-oriented processes
Timeline: January 2019 – December 2020
Project budget: 526.143,00 EUR

CYSLOP creates a FIWARE-based IoT platform that offers tailored services for rational cultivation practices and enables data-sharing within farm-to-fork value chain. CYSLOP‟s farm production part involved 23 new unique users of IoT technologies in new IoFF regions (Cyprus and Slovenia). ITC’s role as a pilot orchestrator was to implement and demonstrate IoT technologies at 12 vegetable producers in Slovenia, which were endorsed by the DIH infrastructure, making pilot implementations available for demonstrations within the European network and target groups.

IoF2020 has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 731884