BRinging Evidence-bAseD food Chain solutions to prevent and RedUce food waste related to Marketing standards, and deliver climate and circularity co-Benefits
Topic: HORIZON-CL6-2023-FARM2FORK-01-14 – Providing marketing solutions to prevent and reduce the food waste related to marketing standards
Project: BREADCRUMB – BRinging Evidence-bAseD food Chain solutions to prevent and RedUce food waste related to Marketing standards, and deliver climate and circularity co-Benefits
Timeline: January 2024 – December 2026
Project budget: 5.003.746,41 EUR
Website: https://www.breadcrumb-project.eu/

BREADCRUMB is focusing on preventing and reducing food waste related to marketing standards, through a series of actions: (1) creating an inventory of private and interrelated public food marketing standards, (2) creating an empirical evidence base to generate estimates of FW related to marketing standards in fruit & vegetables, meat, eggs, cereals and fish, (3) modelling the underlying mechanisms through which, marketing standards lead to FW generation, (4) improving market access to suboptimal foods and (5) structuring the previous results into operational and policy guidance on how to prevent/reduce FW related to marketing standards.
ITC is responsible for the coordination and implementation of a Slovenian pilot focusing on Fruits & vegetables and Cereals, representing the whole food supply chain, while contributing with collecting and modelling FW related data..
This project has received funding from the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 101136701.